Ten Ways to Help you Sleep Rapidly

Suppose you have a couple of  sleepness nights , it seems that this is not a very serious matter, but things may not seem as simple as that. Here, we can recommend some ways to change your sleep habits, although the trouble spots, as long term to see,but the long is worth.

1.Change your bedroom as a heaven. First of all, your bedroom must be quiet and dark. Second, the cool temperatures help to sleep, so the thermostat should make a regulation. Of course, windows or use fans is good for for the indoor air circulation. If indoor air is too dry, you can also use the point humidifier.

2. Obey your nature. Evening you will be easier to switch to sleep because your body knows – the point was. You can easily do something in order to sleep well in the psychological preparation.

3. Guarantee your bed only for sleep and sex. Avoid working in bed, paying bills, reading or watching TV.If you want to join your bed with sleep in link, then one thing you can do on the bed is sleep soundly,not the night turn pancakes.

4. Tame your stomach. Both too full or too hungry will interfere with sleep. Do not eat a big meal or hungry before going to sleep. If you are really hungry, eat a small snack, which rich in carbohydrates can trigger the release of brain serotonin because this thing will help relax. Try whole wheat crackers or a bowl of cereal. With milk or a slice of turkey, these foods are rich in amino acids, and also promote sleep.

5. Caffeine alert. Excessive amount of caffeine per day, if not to influence sleep, can lead to irregular sleep. When you’re 50 years old, their metabolism is slow, so caffeine retention time for the body is more longer, even 10 hours. Six hours before bedtime can only drink two cups of tea or coffee . If this does not work, then quit the caffeine.

6. Sleeping when you are tired. Matter is very simple if your body feel tired, then sleep very easily. People who participate in sports, the average nightly sleep time increased by an hour, even less sleep time, short sleep time shorter. Outdoor sports particularly effective. Exposure to sunlight helps to avoid sleep, strengthen human biological rhythm.

7.Take a bath. Before one or two hours you going to bed, take a hot water bath. When the bath temperature gradually drop, it will make you feel tired. But do not just wash then go to bed, it will make people excited, but could not sleep.

8.Back to nature. A cup of chamomile tea before bed can help relax the spirit

9. Do not force to sleep.If cannot sleep in half an hour, do not lie in bed quietly grief. Do something else altogether to relax, such as listening to soothing music or point of view magazine. Or a glass of warm milk is better.

10.A good bed is so important. A bed cannot too soft, and sleeping position will lead to errors,also lead to muscle stiffness and back problems. If you go up and concave mattress, then this bed is too soft. If your mattress more than 10 years of military age, man, change a comfortable one.

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